Runs API
GET /startRun
Start a new run. Return ID of the run, WS endpoints.
Profile ID, can be found on Dashboard / Profiles.
If this param is missing, first available random profile will be picked automatically.
Proxy ID, can be found on Dashboard / Proxies.
If this param is missing, proxy from the profile will be picked automatically.
Proxy URL in format: proto://user:pass@host:port
If this param is missing, the proxy will be picked based on browsers settings of the profile and groups.
You should use either proxyId or proxyUrl, it doesn't make sense to use both params in your request.
startRun via WebSockets
You can also call startRun via WebSockets. It could be useful, for example, with Puppeteer, when you just want to replace browserWSEndpoint
and don't write any extra code.
For WebSockets endpoints, use wss://
Take a look at the example below. You can use all the same parameters as in startRun.
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const rebrowserParams = { apiKey: 'YOUR_API_KEY', } const browser = await puppeteer.connect({ browserWSEndpoint: `wss://${new URLSearchParams(rebrowserParams)}`, })
GET /finishRun
Finish the run. All CDP sessions will be immediately disconnected.
Run ID, can be found on Dashboard / Runs.
GET /runs
Get runs and its data such as events, downloaded files, and other.
Run ID, can be found on Dashboard / Runs.
GET /downloadRunFile
Download a file from a run. It might take up to 10 seconds to transfer file from the remote browser to our server.