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Supported Libraries

Rebrowser works with Chrome browsers using the Chrome DevTools Protocol (CDP). This means that any software or library that uses CDP will likely work with our remote browsers.

Right now, we're focusing on fully supporting two of the most popular automation libraries:

Different versions of these libraries work with different versions of Chrome. You can check our status page to see which Chrome versions are active and which library versions we support.

While most CDP-based libraries should work with Rebrowser, here are some things to keep in mind:

  • Some advanced features might not be available in older Chrome versions
  • Always use the latest version of your chosen library for best compatibility
  • If you're using a less common library, you might need to do some extra configuration

Besides Puppeteer and Playwright, users have reported success with:

  • Selenium (with CDP support)
  • Ferret
  • chromedp
  • Chrome Remote Interface
  • Custom CDP implementations

If you're using a different tool and it works well with Rebrowser, let us know! We'd love to hear about your experience.

If you're having trouble getting your preferred library to work with Rebrowser, don't hesitate to reach out. Our support team is always ready to help you get up and running.

Check out our Troubleshooting Guide for common issues, or contact our support team for personalized assistance.