Other Libraries Guide

Rebrowser works with any library that controls a browser using CDP (Chrome DevTools Protocol). Most automation libraries use this protocol to send commands to the browser.

The main change you need to make is to find out how to pass a devtools URL to your chosen library, and use the Rebrowser start run URL instead of your local browser.

In most cases, you'll need to replace http://localhost:9222 with wss://ws.rebrowser.net/?apiKey=YOUR_API_KEY.


There's an example in the chromedp repo showing how to use it with a remote browser.

You can use this example, just change -url ws:// to the Rebrowser URL with your API key.

It's that simple!

Fix The Leaks!

We highly encourage every customer to do some extra steps to fix all automation leaks.

You can read more on this page: Documentation / Stealth & Automation Detection