Does your company rely on browser automation or web scraping? We have a wild offer for our early customers! Read more →


Getting started with Rebrowser is super easy, whether you're using it for a new software project or integrating it into existing software. For most of our customers, it's just a matter of tweaking a few lines of code in their existing codebase.

Head over to Dashboard / Profiles and set up a new profile.

Go to Dashboard / API and copy your API key.

This step is optional since we provide some free datacenter proxies for every customer. But you can easily add your own proxies too if you prefer.

Visit Proxies and add a new proxy. Then, go to browser settings of a profile or a group and pick this newly added proxy.

Make changes in your software to use our remote browser CDP endpoint instead of your local browser. We have examples of code for Puppeteer and Playwright on the next pages of this guide.

Yes, you can! All you need to do is create a profile. Once that's done, you'll see a "Start new run" button.

After clicking this button, you'll see your remote browser screen. From there, you can fully control it right from your own browser.