Key Concepts

Understanding these key concepts will help you get the most out of Rebrowser. Let's break them down.


A run is a core term in Rebrowser. Every time you start a remote browser, you create a "run" which you can find in your dashboard.

You can filter all your runs by profile, group, status, and other options. We even create a graph to help you track your runs and success rate over time.

You're billed based on the duration of your runs. Every run is rounded up to 30 seconds, and this total duration is charged from your balance units.

Run Events

Each run can have a list of events that happened during its execution. These events could have different types: warning, error, success, or any other custom type. Our system can generate events automatically, or you can add them manually using our API.

Run events help you easily see your success rates and get notifications based on this information.

Let's say you're logging into a website. You could set up events like this:

  • Success event: Successfully logged in
  • Warning event: Unusual activity detected
  • Error event: Login failed


A profile on Rebrowser is very similar to a profile in your regular browser. It's basically a cloud browser profile.

You need a profile to start a remote browser run as it will keep all cookies and other data. By default, profile data like cookies is saved after you finish your run and will be there for your next run, even if these runs happen on different remote browsers.


Groups let you put multiple profiles together and apply settings to all of them at once.

For example, you can create a "Disabled" group and turn off many profiles from one place (group's settings) instead of editing each profile one by one.

Another example: you can put multiple profiles into a group and then assign a specific proxy to this group, so all these profiles will use this proxy. To change the proxy, you can just edit this one group.

Or, if you want to run some profiles on mobile devices only, just put them in a group and change the browser settings for this group.

Use Case: You could create groups like "Social Media Accounts", "Shopping Bots", or "Data Scrapers" to manage different types of profiles more easily.


Every run must have a proxy assigned. All network requests from the remote browser will go through this proxy server. We support HTTP and SOCKS5 proxies.

We provide some datacenter proxies with your plan. Some websites will work fine with these DC proxies, but generally, you might want to use residential proxies for better success on major websites.

You can get high-quality ISP, residential, and mobile proxies from us. We've been in the web automation business for a long time and have reliable providers for high-quality IPs for our own operations.

But we also don't want to limit what proxies you use, so you can add your own external proxy.

Browser Settings

Each profile and group can have its own browser settings. These settings control how to select a suitable remote browser for your operation, what proxies to use, and many other options.

When you start a run, our system will figure out the final effective browser settings for your run. It does this in the following order: default settings, the first profile's group settings, and then profile settings. You can see the final browser settings on the run's page.

Live View

When a run is running, you're able to watch it in real-time right from your browser. You just go to the details page of the run and you'll see the real-time picture of the browser screen, list of all tabs, URLs and other useful info.

Also, there's a devtools inspector link that allows you to enter a fully supported debug session, just like you would do normally with your local browser.

Beware: when you enter the devtools inspector, it will automatically send a bunch of sensitive CDP commands to the remote browser which might lead to an automation leak. Live mode won't send such commands, so it's safe to watch any run without compromising any stealth feature of Rebrowser.